Friday 16 September 2011

R4 3DS - New Buy 2 Get 1 Free Specials

Yes, I know, it's another update, and this time it's been a while coming, only 2 days since my last post - which I think is fantastic considering that I had taken a bit of a break from blogging for the last 2 months.  But this one was too good for me NOT to share it with you.  I just had to.   I know with all of the gaming in the homebrew scene, the games and applications that come out under the freeware model for the Nintendo 3DS are getting quite a bit more attention, even from big sites like RacketBoy and various others.

Free R4 3DS Cards

Now, you know all about the homebrew games, etc... that everyone keeps talking about.  But you also need to make sure that you're aware that you WILL need an R4 3DS card to be able to use them.  And this my fellow readers is why I am making another post.

I just received a email from the people at (where I got my r4 3ds card) and in their newsletter they say that they are doing a Buy 2 Get 1 Free R4 3DS Special.  Great news for anyone that doesn't yet have their own R4 card.  And even better if you have a friend (or two) that you could split this deal with.  Basically, with the buy 2 get 1 free special, you're paying around $15 for each card (the total is like $45.00 for 3 cards) and the thing is, you know you're getting the real deal, and not some fake card that those other sites try to sell you for stupid prices (oh.... and absolutely no support!)


I haven't bought a card (I already have 2 of them, one for my DSi and one for my 3DS) but if you're in the market it's a great deal. Even if you end up keeping just one and selling the other 2, you'll get enough for 2 of them to more than cover the cost of all of them.

There's no coupon code to enter or anything.  The 3rd / free card won't show up in your cart when you checkout, but I have a couple of confirmations that they just automatically send you 3 cards once you buy 3 of them.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

R4 3DS Has Been Updated To Support 2.1.3 Nintendo 3DS systems.

This is a quick post.  I just posted a short game review of a homebrew game I play, but then realized I had not posted here in some time.  Well, since the r4 3ds was updated to version 2.0.0.

In the last month and a half Nintendo released the 2.1.3 system update.  I didn't update because it offered little in the way of features.  But I know a lot of people updated by sheer accident.  The message to update popped up, and they hit the YES instead of the NO button, and voila - the console was updated to 2.1.3.

This is all well and good, but what ended up happening for a lot of people with R4 3DS cards was that their flash cards stopped working.  Or better said, they were no longer recognized.  This seems to happen every second or third update from Nintendo, so fret not my friends. Your cards are just fine, you just have to get the newest firmware from them.

If you have the r4 and your 3DS is at 2.1.3 and now your card isn't recognized, just go to the official manufacturer site at and download the latest version of the firmware kernel for the cards.  Once you install the new firmware, your card will be working again without any issues - just as it did before you accidentally updated your own firmware.

If you have not yet updated, then you shouldn't.  There's nothing new in the 2.1.3 at all.  But to be prepared in case you do, you should also get the latest firmware as well, and install it. That way, even if you choose to update to 2.1.3, you'll still be fine.

I hope this is helpful to some of you out there with this issue.  Let me know in the comments.

R4 DS Homebrew Game: Boring Killer Painter

Ever since I got my hands on my first R4 DS I have been a huge fan of all things homebrew.  This started on my Nintendo DS system, and has carried forward through all the different hand held systems that I have had.  From the Nintendo DS, I moved to the DS Lite.  Once the DSi came out, I sold my DS lite and got the DSi instead.   And now that I have my Nintendo 3DS, my addiction to homebrew gaming and ds homebrew apps has not gotten any better

With my 3DS I use my R4 3DS card, a card that I bought even before I got my new Nintendo 3DS.  And with the number of homebrew games out there, it's a small price to pay (around $20.00) for a card that give me access to hundreds of freeware games that I just would not be able to buy in any store at all.

Yesterday I downloaded a game called Boring Killer.  He he.. WHile the name itself sounds a bit odd, the app is super fun.  It's a painting program that lets me take images that I have taken pictures of on my 3DS, and then I can paint over them using the stylus.  I can add a moustache, paint a hat, whatever I want.  It's not a GAME, but it's a little time waster app - and I know we can all use the occasional time waster, right?

You can take any image stored on your 3DS, and then make your own unique digital art.  It does not have the face mushing or stretching found on the DSI's built in camera application, and to be honest, I prefer this much more anyway.  Just being able to actually paint my own pictures is where it's at :)

You can download it from from their download section (and while you're there, grab a couple more games while you're at it).