Friday, 16 September 2011

R4 3DS - New Buy 2 Get 1 Free Specials

Yes, I know, it's another update, and this time it's been a while coming, only 2 days since my last post - which I think is fantastic considering that I had taken a bit of a break from blogging for the last 2 months.  But this one was too good for me NOT to share it with you.  I just had to.   I know with all of the gaming in the homebrew scene, the games and applications that come out under the freeware model for the Nintendo 3DS are getting quite a bit more attention, even from big sites like RacketBoy and various others.

Free R4 3DS Cards

Now, you know all about the homebrew games, etc... that everyone keeps talking about.  But you also need to make sure that you're aware that you WILL need an R4 3DS card to be able to use them.  And this my fellow readers is why I am making another post.

I just received a email from the people at (where I got my r4 3ds card) and in their newsletter they say that they are doing a Buy 2 Get 1 Free R4 3DS Special.  Great news for anyone that doesn't yet have their own R4 card.  And even better if you have a friend (or two) that you could split this deal with.  Basically, with the buy 2 get 1 free special, you're paying around $15 for each card (the total is like $45.00 for 3 cards) and the thing is, you know you're getting the real deal, and not some fake card that those other sites try to sell you for stupid prices (oh.... and absolutely no support!)


I haven't bought a card (I already have 2 of them, one for my DSi and one for my 3DS) but if you're in the market it's a great deal. Even if you end up keeping just one and selling the other 2, you'll get enough for 2 of them to more than cover the cost of all of them.

There's no coupon code to enter or anything.  The 3rd / free card won't show up in your cart when you checkout, but I have a couple of confirmations that they just automatically send you 3 cards once you buy 3 of them.


  1. This is such a fantastic news for R4 card users that they can purchase two card and get one free. R4 is best card for using in its console and it is the best opportunity to purchase this card in very cheap price.

  2. Best offers. I wanna a benefit of this special offer. :)

    R4i Cards
