With my 3DS I use my R4 3DS card, a card that I bought even before I got my new Nintendo 3DS. And with the number of homebrew games out there, it's a small price to pay (around $20.00) for a card that give me access to hundreds of freeware games that I just would not be able to buy in any store at all.
Yesterday I downloaded a game called Boring Killer. He he.. WHile the name itself sounds a bit odd, the app is super fun. It's a painting program that lets me take images that I have taken pictures of on my 3DS, and then I can paint over them using the stylus. I can add a moustache, paint a hat, whatever I want. It's not a GAME, but it's a little time waster app - and I know we can all use the occasional time waster, right?
You can take any image stored on your 3DS, and then make your own unique digital art. It does not have the face mushing or stretching found on the DSI's built in camera application, and to be honest, I prefer this much more anyway. Just being able to actually paint my own pictures is where it's at :)
You can download it from http://www.gbatemp.net from their download section (and while you're there, grab a couple more games while you're at it).
Boring Killer is very interesting game of R4 DS card. I play this game many time. In this game we make the different types of images which is very interesting in this game.